Contraceptive Emergencies




If you have unprotected intercourse then you may be at risk of getting pregnant. Condoms have a nasty habit of breaking. It is possible to try and prevent pregnancy after such an accident with the post-coital pill.

Emergency contraception pills can be taken up to 72 hours later. After 72 hours it may still be possible to help by using other methods. There can be no substitute for having a reliable and on-going contraception cover if you are at risk of getting pregnant.


Future contraception

Arrange to see a doctor again if you wish to consider an ongoing method of contraception

Contraceptive Emergencies

Pharmacy services 

Some local Pharmacies take part in a scheme that offers emergency contraception, pregnancy tests, chlamydia test free to patients under the age of 25. 

If you require emergency contraception then come to the surgery and see one of the nurses.

We will also be happy to discuss other methods of contraception with you or ask you to make an appointment at one of the Well Woman Clinics. 

Don't leave it until it becomes an emergency, come and discuss your contraception needs before any accidents occur.

Should you fear that you are pregnant you can have a FREE PREGNANCY TEST at the surgery by asking to see one of the nursing sisters. To do a pregnancy test we need to test a specimen of the first urine you pass in the morning. Occasionally, it can be too soon after your last period to get a true positive result but the doctor or nurse will be able to advise you. We offer both full antenatal care and counselling for termination (abortion) requests.